A couple times a year there are big holidays in China which mean massive sales from Chinese sellers. Later this week is 11.11, also known as singles day, which is basically China’s equivalent of Black Friday sales. It is the biggest sale day of the year so this will likely be the cheapest prices on import tech until 2018 and Chinese New Year.
Buy cards designed for dash cams and buy them from a reliable retailer. Avoid Sandisk (even their high endurance lines!), Delkin, silicon power. Also keep in mind that MLC is a bragging point. If a card doesn’t advertise MLC, chances are is isn’t. Don’t waste your money on cheap cards because they might fail you when you need them most.
I’ve been cleaning up my site layout recently. To make things easier to understand I have integrated the WP Product Reviews plugin, which gives me a clean overview of the product rating and a clear layout breaking down each category I use to rate a product.
The other day I made the mistake of attempting to push a SJcam SJ4000 firmware update to my F23 action cam. I had a morbid curiosity, and a little bit of a destructive mindset. Needless to say that the SJ4000 hardware must be different in some way, as its firmware did not work on the camera.
On October 3rd, 2016, Amazon.com announced a terms of service update for its reviewers that affects everyone in a big way. Amazon announced that effective immediately incentivized reviews are no longer allowed on their service.
Tech deal alert!
The Sony A7, one of their older full frame mirrorless cameras, is currently selling for $398.00 USD at Adorama. This is a fantastic camera and an excellent bargain, especially if you can grab yourself a kit with the RODE mic included. Good luck!
Note: as of now, the items are no longer available to add to cart. You may have better luck than I did!